Similar Apps History (Outgoing)

GET 10 Credits / Request / 30 days /android/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/similar-apps-history.json

Similar Apps (Outgoing) history allows you to fetch information about apps that are in the required app's similar apps section in the Play Store.

Similar Apps History Request

The request must be done about one app in a specific country/language. The results will contain an array of apps for each days inluded in the date range (starting from the start date).

Header parameters
Your AppTweak API Key.
Path parameters
Application ID for which you want to get the the information.
Query parameters
country: string Required

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the app in.

Get the list of our country codes, here.

language: string Required

The two letter language (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the application in.

Get the list of our language codes, here.

start_date: string

The first date for which to get data in YYYY-MM-DD format

end_date: string

The last date for which to get data in YYYY-MM-DD format

GET /android/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/similar-apps-history.json

Request example
GET /android/applications/
cURL example
curl -X GET -H "X-Apptweak-Key: ${API_KEY}" ""

Similar Apps History Response

The response will contains an array of arrays (one for each day of the date range) of app objects containing similar app infos.

Object properties
apps: array

An array containing arrays of app objects



The id of the application for which the requested app appears in the similar apps section


The position in the similar apps list in which the requested app appears.


The app power of the similar app


Views received from the similar apps section

Response Example

  "content": {
    "start_date": "2020-08-23",
    "end_date": "2020-08-24",
    "similar_apps": [
        "apps": [
            "application_id": "",
            "position": 1,
            "power": 36.7,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "",
            "position": 2,
            "power": 5.3,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "com.strava",
            "position": 3,
            "power": 46.2,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "com.fitzeee.fitzeeerun",
            "position": 4,
            "power": 0.0,
            "impressions": 101
        "apps": [
            "application_id": "",
            "position": 1,
            "power": 35.6,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "",
            "position": 2,
            "power": 5.2,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "com.fitzeee.fitzeeerun",
            "position": 3,
            "power": 0.0,
            "impressions": 237
            "application_id": "com.strava",
            "position": 4,
            "power": 46.1,
            "impressions": 101
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/applications/",
      "store": "android",
      "params": {
        "language": "us",
        "start_date": "2020-08-23T00:00:00+00:00",
        "end_date": "2020-08-24T00:00:00+00:00",
        "country": "us",
        "position_cutoff": 16,
        "id": "",
        "format": "json"
      "performed_at": "2020-08-25 07:48:17 UTC"
    "content": {