
Reviews are endpoints that allow you to fetch reviews that AppTweak has been able to gather about a specific app on the App Store in the selected country.

The review object

The review list contains a series of review entries describing comments made by users on a specific application in the selected country.

Note that we limit the reviews returned by the API depending on which endpoint has been reached to fetch the reviews. Please refer to the documentation of each Reviews endpoints for more details.

Object properties
application_id: number

The ID that Apple has given to the application.

author: hash

Key/value pairs describing the author of the review.

body: string

The "body" of the review, its main content.

body_length: number

The number of characters used in the body of the review.

country: string

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) describing from which App Store the review has been fetched.

date: datetime

The date on which the review has been posted on the App Store for the related application.

id: number

The ID that Apple has given to the review.

is_edited: boolean

Specifies if this review has been edited or not by the author after its publication.

rating: number

The number of stars the user gave to the application (Integer 1 => 5).

sort_score: hash

Key/value pairs describing the score of this review depending on the type of sort (most_useful, most_recent, most_critical and most_positive).

title: string

The review title.

vote_count: number

The number of votes obtained by the review and made by other users on the App Store in the selected country.

vote_sum: number

The sum of all votes obtained by the review and made by other users on the App Store.

Object Example

  "country": "fr",
  "application_id": "414461255",
  "date": "2018-10-30T09:27:25Z",
  "rating": 5,
  "title": "La meilleure",
  "body": "La meilleure application pour le vin et de très très loin. Vraiment complète et avec une base de données hallucinante, le scan d’étiquette est bluffant tellement il est performant! Excellent pour la gestion de sa cave. Manque peut être plus de conseil pour le temps de garde mais les utilisateurs avertis pour ne pas dire les experts nous donne l’info dans leurs commentaires la plupart du temps!!!",
  "body_length": 398,
  "vote_count": 0,
  "vote_sum": 0,
  "is_edited": false,
  "id": "3360543862",
  "author": {
    "name": "Seb G.6971",
    "type": "Customers",
    "id": 391831924
  "sort_score": {
    "most_recent": 1541384836,
    "most_positive": 1541422420,
    "most_useful": 1541400562