Top Displayed Reviews

GET 5 Credits / Request /ios/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/reviews/displayed/{SORT}.json

Top Displayed Reviews allows you to fetch all the top displayed reviews entries about a specific app on the App Store in the selected country and based on the given sort parameter. Apple classes by default the application's reviews by the Most Useful. With that endpoint you would be able to get the top displayed reviews for an application, based on that criterion.

Please note that the example has been stripped of redundant data to keep the documentation as concise as possible. The API might return additional, undocumented fields in the JSON, which your App should not rely upon.

Top Displayed Reviews Request

The Review list contains a series of review entries describing comments made by users on the app in the selected country. We limit the number of reviews returned by the API to the first 100 items by default, but you can specify the size by yourself (see below for more details).

By default, these results are sorted by the following criterion: Most Helpful, in the same way, as Apple does in its Store.

Header parameters
Your AppTweak API Key.
Path parameters
Application ID for which you want to get the metadata.
Sort parameter allowing to display the data in the same order as Apple does in its store. Available options: most_useful, most_recent, most_critical and most_positive.
Query parameters
country: string us

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the app in.

us. Get the list of our country codes, here.

size: number 100

The number of reviews you want to fetch

GET /ios/applications/{APPLICATION_ID}/reviews/displayed/{SORT}.json

Request example
GET /ios/applications/686449807/reviews/displayed/most_useful.json?country=us&size=50
cURL example
curl -X GET -H "X-Apptweak-Key: ${API_KEY}" ""

Top Displayed Reviews Response

The response to the Top displayed reviews request is a JSON hash containing all the existing review entries for the given application in the selected country on the App Store and based on the given sort parameter.

Object properties
application_id: number

The ID that Apple has given to the application.

author: hash

Key/value pairs containing the informations related to the author of the review (name, type and id).


name: string

Author's name.

type: string

Author's type (e.g. Customers)

id: number

Author's Id on the Apple Store.

body: string

The "body" of the review, its main content.

body_length: number

The number of characters used in the body of the review.

country: string

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) describing from which App Store the review has been fetched.

date: datetime

The date on which the review has been posted on the App Store for the related application.

id: number

The ID that Apple has given to the review.

is_edited: boolean

Specifies if this review has been edited or not by the author after its publication.

rating: number

The number of stars the user gave to the application (Integer 1 => 5).

sort_score: hash

Key/value pairs describing the score of this review depending on the type of sort (most_useful, most_recent, most_critical and most_positive).

title: string

The review title.

vote_count: number

The number of votes obtained by the review and made by other users on the App Store in the selected country.

vote_sum: number

The sum of all votes obtained by the review and made by other users on the App Store.

Response Example

  "content": [
      "country": "us",
      "application_id": "686449807",
      "date": "2018-10-20T03:17:11Z",
      "rating": 5,
      "title": "Best Messenger I’ve EVER Had",
      "body": "First of all, I love the very easy layout. It makes talking with my friends—and making new friends—so easy. Its phone contact-syncing capabilities are very useful. I also love how many GIFs and sticker sets can be found, and how you can even add your own stickers and GIFs to the Telegram vault. Connection is also rarely lost and chats load fairly quick.\n\nHowever, the one thing that takes me out of the messenger “magic” is how after the last couple of updates, every time I spend more than five minutes in another app (while leaving Telegram open), the chat screen seems to be blank (still shows the circle outlines of people’s icons, and the message bubbles, but all are completely blank) when I switch back to Telegram. This is not a problem for me, as the chat and images immediately load back in when I start using Telegram again, but it’s just a bit strange to me. Maybe a very very small glitch.\n\nOther than the above “however”, EVERYTHING about this app is absolutely fantastic. I would recommend using it! 5 stars for sure.  :)",
      "body_length": 1038,
      "vote_count": 9,
      "vote_sum": 7,
      "is_edited": false,
      "id": "3321514863",
      "author": {
        "name": "ToxicTrashPanda",
        "type": "Customers",
        "id": 397891447
      "sort_score": {
        "most_recent": 1540725251,
        "most_useful": 1542338123,
        "most_positive": 1542368210
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/applications/686449807/reviews/displayed/most_useful.json",
      "store": "ios",
      "params": {
        "country": "us",
        "size": 50,
        "id": "686449807",
        "sort": "most_useful",
        "format": "json"
      "performed_at": "2018-11-20 11:35:03 UTC"
    "content": {