Top Charts

GET 3 Credits / Request /ios/categories/{CATEGORY_ID}/top.json

Top Charts allows you to fetch the most popular applications for a category and type in a country for a device. We return the top 200 applications. Results are updated daily. The first application is the one that has the best rank for the requested chart.

Top Charts Request

Header parameters
Your AppTweak API Key.
Path parameters
The category for which you want to get the top charts. (which can be found here)
Query parameters
country: string us

The two letter country code (ISO Alpha-2) you want to fetch the app in.

us. Get the list of our country codes, here.

device: string iphone

The device you want to fetch the application for.

iphone or ipad

type: string free

The kind of chart this trends object is referring to.

Possible values are: free, paid and grossing

GET /ios/categories/{CATEGORY_ID}/top.json

Request example
GET /ios/categories/7015/top.json?country=es&device=iphone&type=free
cURL example
curl -X GET -H "X-Apptweak-Key: ${API_KEY}" ""

Top Charts Response

The response to the Top Charts requests is an ordered list of application snippets. Each application snippet is a JSON hash containing all necessary data to generate a preview of the application as displayed on the App Store search results and top charts.

Object properties
id: number

The ID that Apple has given to the application.

developer: string

Developer's name.

devices: array

The list of devices the app is available on. Can contain : ipad, ipod and iphone.

genres: array

The list of category the app is listed on. See the supported categories list to match the category_id to it's human friendly name. The special category_id 0 is used to refer to the global rankings across all categories combined.

icon: string

The URL of the icon as it appears on the App Store.

in_apps: boolean

Flag specifying if the app has in app purchases.

price: string

Price of the application as displayed in the App Store in the target country.

rating: string

Value describing the average rating for the application.

slug: string

URL friendly version of the app name.

title: string

The App name as it appears on the App Store.

metadata > application_ids: array

Top 500 apps (array of application IDs) matching the given criteria in the AppTweak database. If the type is grossing, then only the top 200 are returned.

Response Example

  "content": [
      "id": 1195621598,
      "title": "Homescapes",
      "icon": "",
      "developer": "Playrix",
      "price": "0,00 €",
      "genres": [
      "devices": [
      "slug": "homescapes",
      "rating": 4.4,
      "in_apps": true,
      "ratings_count": 51036,
      "power": 96.8
  "metadata": {
    "request": {
      "path": "/categories/7015/top.json",
      "store": "ios",
      "params": {
        "country": "us",
        "device": "iphone",
        "type": "free",
        "category": 7015,
        "format": "json"
      "performed_at": "2018-10-30 10:42:02 UTC"
    "content": {
      "application_ids": [